So I was looking around on the internet and found this amazing blog: Frecklephotoblog. She's a photographer and I think an art teacher. Her photos are wonderful. Anyway I was looking through her photos and came across some very cool photos using flashlights/sparklers. I thought I'd try it too. It took some experiments but here are my versions. I want to do something...
This little girl loves to watch movies. Every day she asks, "Can I watch a movie?" The boys ask about video games but she wants to watch TV. We have netflix streamed to our TV and she knows how to use it. In fact we've forbidden her to rate the movies she watches. Barbie: a Mermaid Tale was rated a 5 out of...

The bed we bought in Montana, Le lit nous avons achetes en Montana I'm in the process of decorating our bedroom. John has caught my vision of how I would like to pull it all together. It started with a black iron bedframe that we purchased while living in Montana (about 12 years ago). The dresser L'armoir que John m'achete Then about 5 years...

When I woke up this morning there was snow on the ground and rain in the air. Knowing it wouldn't last the day I woke up the kids and told them to get out there while it was around. The boys said, "no thanks - I'd rather do school." Lona's response, "I don't want to get up." I promptly went downstairs and left...

December has come and gone, a new year has arrived and yet there is so much from December that I still want to write about. Decembre etait partir, un annee nouvelle a commence mais il y a quelleque choses qui se passent en decembre qui sont importante. 13 events of December: 13 choses importante en decembre: 1. My Mom's visit: Brief, hectic and...

Over this Christmas break, Job had the opportunity to play and practice on a select team. These kids were nominated as being some of the best on their team. His coach really deliberated on nominating Job but did and we took full advantage of it. His team comprised of boys ages 9 and 10 (mostly 10). They had practices at the sportsplex and...