Decembre etait partir, un annee nouvelle a commence mais il y a quelleque choses qui se passent en decembre qui sont importante.
13 events of December: 13 choses importante en decembre:
1. My Mom's visit: Brief, hectic and wonderful. We went to dance rehearsals and a recital, soccer games, shopping and ice cream. We were able to visit, speak french, watch movies and open presents. La visite de ma mere. Nous sommes allee de voir Lona en ballet, Job et Isaac en football, faire du shopping, parler en francais, et voir des films.
2. A rare visit from John's Dad. we drug him to soccer games too. John worked on his computer during his free time and the kids played the piano for him and Pat. Une visite avec le pere de John. Nous lui prennons avec nous de voir Isaac jouer le football.
3. The rainy weather. We all were silently hoping for snow.
Le pluie. Nous esperons de neige mais il seulement plui.
4. Christmas lights: walking and driving around our own neighborhood and others for the lights. Les lumieres de Noel, nous faire des promenades de voirs les lumieres.
5. Opening on present on Christmas Evening and trying to send the kids off to bed so we could set up a present for the morning. Ouvrire un cadeau de Noel le soir avant le Noel apres allons a l'eglise.
6. Stuffing stockings: this year I put in personal sugared cereal cups so John and I could sleep in but they didin't want to go downstairs without us.
Les chausettes de Noel. Je lui mets de cereal du sucre pour les enfants.
7. Opening presents in the dark before the sun came up - it was different last year.
Ouvrire les cadeaux dans l'obscurite parce que c'etait trop tot. C'est different l'annee passee.
8. Going to a friend's house for brunch, singing and games on Christmas Day. Allez chez un ami pour le petit dejeuner a Noel. Nous avons manger, chanter et jouer.
9. Skiing at Mount Baker. We hung out on the rope tow (it's free) and were soaking wet in 2 hours. We had lunch, played with the dog and went home. Faisez du ski a Mount Baker juste pour deux heures au cause de pluie.
10. Receiving an unexpected surprise from my Grandparents. Nous avons recu un cadeau a mes grandparents. C'est vraiment un surprise.
11. My new kitchen faucet. It makes me smile while washing dishes. We still have a broken dishwasher (It's been broken since before my Mom arrived in December). Unfortunately my new faucet broke and we were washing dishes in the laundry room until the faucet was replace. But all is good now.
Une nouvelle robinet de cuisine. Il me fait plaisir. Il faut que je lave les vaiselle parce que mon lave-vaiselle est casse mais ma robinet me fait sourire.
12. Wrapping presents for Reach Out. There were more kids there than any other year and we were done around 3:30. Isaac, Job and Lona have an automatic job of gathering wrapped presents and placing them on the correct family number. Envelope les cadeaux pour les enfants qui n'avait rien pour le Noel.
Lona jouer un match de football juste une fois parce que le match est en vendredi et pas mercredi comme normalment.