
Sky High Jump

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, November 24, 2011
Another trip to the endocrinologist in Woodinville, another activity in the Seattle area.  It is the perfect opportunity to do something in that area that is fun.  Last year Isaac heard about this place called Sky High from his gym teacher.  She was probably his favorite teacher last year.  I had wanted to take the kids sooner but life gets in the way...

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The tree

By Leslie Parks - Monday, November 14, 2011
She's just sitting there thinking.  There weren't any other kids around.  She wasn't playing, just sitting there thinking.  We've found Isaac doing that too.  It's not that they are up there for 5 minutes but they will sit there for almost an hour or more.  The newest addition to this tree is the rope swing.  Lona climbed up and attached the rope to...

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Just a little bit crispy...

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, November 09, 2011
So over here at the Parks house hold there is never a dull day.  This day was no exception.  Job was in charge of dinner.  The menu was grilled chicken, steamed green beans and rice.  The green beans and rice are easy.  Put some water in the steamer and add green beans.  Rinse the rice, add water and push cook on the rice...

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The Cutie Saga

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, November 06, 2011
First off, this post is not about a girl. It's about a fruit.  Yes, a small spherical orange fruit.  The saga of the cutie began the day I put a cutie (with a smiley face drawn on it) into Isaac's lunch for school.  This is how it played out. Day 1:  Cutie stabbed by Nick in 5th period science with a pair of scissors....

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By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, November 01, 2011
The kids were very creative in what they wanted to be for Halloween.  I had a small party during trick or treat time.  The ladies stayed home while the dads took the kids door to door.  Lona's idea of patience is posing for photos.  I made the kids dress up earlier in the day for a costume photo shoot.  I love the colors...

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