
The Cutie Saga

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, November 06, 2011

First off, this post is not about a girl. It's about a fruit.  Yes, a small spherical orange fruit.  The saga of the cutie began the day I put a cutie (with a smiley face drawn on it) into Isaac's lunch for school.  This is how it played out.
Day 1:  Cutie stabbed by Nick in 5th period science with a pair of scissors.
Day 2:  Cutie thrown against the gym wall by Kaiden in 3rd period gym.
Day 3:  Cutie squashed by Ben.  "Ben, look my cutie made it lunch!"  Isaac exclaimed excitedly.  Ben looks at the smiley face on the cutie and smashes it with his fist.
Day 4:  Cutie is stolen by friends.  They drop it and it rolls into the girls' bathroom.  Happens before school.  Mom has drawn her usual smiley face on it but added "U R A Cutie" to it.  The saying is the only thing visible from outside the girls' bathroom.
Day 5:  Isaac brings two cuties with him to school.  Cutie 1 gets ran over by the bus at the bus stop.  Friends hold chips hostage for Cutie 2.  Thief "friend" drop kicks the cutie onto the school roof. 
That ended the Cutie Saga.  No more cuties are going to school.

Je mis un Clémentine dans le dinner je donne a Isaac pour l'ecole.  Il a des problemes avec des clementine, ils ne sont pas la pour son dinner.  C'est comme ca.
Clementine un:  Nick (son ami) l'a coup avec des ciseaux.
Clementine deux: Un autre ami le jette contre le mur.
Clementine trois:  Ben l'ecrases quand il l'a vu.
Clementine quatre: Ses amis sont vole son clementine et son clementine a lamine dans la WC du femmes.
Clementine cinq:  Il a couru par autobus.
Clementine six:  Ses amis sont vole encore et le coup de pied sur le toit.
Maintenant je ne donne pas des clementines a Isaac pour son dinner.

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