So John, Job, and Lona headed to Montana for a week over Thanksgiving break. They headed out on a Sunday morning and drove to Coeur d'Alene where they stayed the night. The only real information I get is looking at what photos they took. Apparently they ran into snow on Lookout Pass into Montana. Please tell me that Job didn't eat the snow and it was just...

So while the rest of the family was enjoying Thanksgiving in Montana, Isaac and I stayed behind. He had a big science test, teacher conferences, and chess tournaments. He has been working so hard with HUGE difference from last year. It would be difficult to have him take those days off and then try to play catch up when he's been doing so...
I made this video with Windows Movie Maker. In the past I've used Photoshop Elements because I didn't like Movie Maker but I've changed my mind in the last few years. Ten things I like about Movie Maker 1. I can use music from my iTunes Library without a lot of extra steps. 2. I am able to use both still shots and...
Before they left for Montana, John took Job and Lona to the library to check out books. While they were there, the library had a bird thing. A gal brought in a bunch of birds, gave a talk and let kids hold the birds. They came home talking about birds and how long they can live. Thankfully they don't really want one. They're...
I tried the raspberry white chocolate chip scones at Woods and am in love. So I did what any sane person would do. I searched for a recipe on pinterest and I found mini blackberry scones. Blackberry, Raspberry, Jamberry Pie. Really how different could they be? There weren't any white chocolate chips in the recipe but no matter, I'm sure that I could throw...

I'm not sure when it became such a hard ship for the boys to make dinner but it did. I just couldn't get dinners made, kids to practices, others home all on the same day. We've been living off of cereal during soccer and John was tired of it. He planned out a menu, bought groceries and got the boys to start chopping and cooking. ...
Before John and the kids left for Montana I quickly downloaded all the photos from John's camera card. I usually don't really look at it much because Lona and Job use it to do really goofy stuff. I had a sliver of time so I decided to go through the photos I downloaded and found a movie they made for school last...

We sent Job to school to make more friends and it happened. He has a circle of kids that he affectionately calls his "Geek Group". It is a nice term not derogatory at all. Many of them are part of the chess club at school. They sit next to each other at lunch and play sprout ball (whatever that is) at recess. The...

It used to be that sunday mornings we would have a family cuddle on the couch. We'd all sit on the couch under a blanket and cuddle. It doesn't happen anymore. As the kids get older they are on the go more often. We take two cars to church Sunday morning more often than all riding together and we leave at different times. ...

Before Halloween I made the kids dress up and go outside to take photos of their costumes. I love the color in the neighborhood as the trees are changing. I love it when the sun shines and makes those colors glow. Although I think that our photos last year had more glow to them. This year Job decided to be a Hazmat worker. ...