My grandparents gave me the best gift ever. Two weeks to spend with them in France. They were a little sad that we didn't go places but for me it all about spending time with them. That was the gift, time with them. I loved having breakfast at 8:30 or 8:45 with them. Eating a tartine (bread and jam) and having a cup of coffee. Then either going for a run or talking with my grandmother until about 11:45 when we would start getting lunch ready. I would set the table, get the wine and water out, fold the napkins, and help carry stuff to the table. After lunch and dessert we would have a small cup of coffee and then we would rest. At this time if I hadn't run in the morning I would run. If I had ran, I would knit or wander around the neighborhood or walk down to the cemetery. At 4 o'clock we would have a snack and then watch a game show, talk to neighbors or look through photo books. Around 7:00 we had dinner, usually cold cuts, maybe left overs, bread and cheese, wine, and a small dessert and then coffee. We then would finish the night by watching TV, usually Colombo, Castle, the Mentalist, or another police show. For me this was so wonderful. First of all, it was truly a vacation for me. No one needed me. Second, it was a glimpse into my grandparents' life. I love the difference between my life and theirs. I also saw so many similarities as well. For me, I felt like it was better than sightseeing, it was a connection, something that I treasure in my heart.