

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, May 31, 2014
There's nothing like a potential move away to make one appreciate their hometown. Yes, Ferndale has become my hometown. I think it's due to the fact that I've lived here the longest.  We've been caught up in what it will be like to live in Katy, Texas.  However the other night I decided to drive around our little town and take photos of...

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Warning: trampolines can cause ear damage

By Leslie Parks - Friday, May 30, 2014
I'm sure that someday that will be a warning on a trampoline. Trampolines can cause ear damage. It seems ridiculous and it is. Yesterday Job was jumping on the trampoline. About 4 o'clock Job came running inside. "I think there's a bug in my ear." "What?"I responded. "I was jumping on the trampoline and I think there's a bug in my ear or...

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Prayer in the Laundry Room

By Leslie Parks - Friday, May 30, 2014
About 12 years ago.  I still can't believe that it's been that long but it has.  I was in the laundry room pregnant, ironing, desperate, sad, scared, not knowing what the future was going to hold.  John had to  gotten this job at the refinery about a year before and started having problems with his hands.  We were in the middle of going...

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16 and surprised, kind of

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, May 21, 2014
So most years I really don't do much for Isaac's birthday.  I'm kind of a lame mom that way.  It was too hard to plan a birthday party when soccer parties for my other kids were happening.  Often times the kids would come home from practice with a soccer party and it would be right when I would want to have Isaac's birthday....

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By Leslie Parks - Friday, May 16, 2014
We are in an interesting place right now.  We have no idea what the future holds.  Are we leaving, are we staying? We have no idea.  We are decluttering the house, fixing things that need to be fixed, and making plans.  However we are planning on things if we stay.  So Lona tried out for Rangers.  We have 48 hours to make a...

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Wedding Jitters

By Leslie Parks - Monday, May 12, 2014
A couple of months ago I was asked to photograph a wedding. I said no. I was asked again and again. Finally I consented with reservations. I mean weddings are a huge thing. I just didn't feel qualified or capable to do this. There were times when I would wake in the middle of the night and have my heart racing thinking of...

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Lead me...

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, May 11, 2014
Some times, ok, most of the time, it is so hard to sit and wait, to be still and content, to wait upon the Lord. About 9 years ago John applied for a position in Spain.  I was quick to dream and hope to move.  They didn't consider him at all. There were three things that the applicant needed and he only had...

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