
16 and surprised, kind of

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, May 21, 2014

So most years I really don't do much for Isaac's birthday.  I'm kind of a lame mom that way.  It was too hard to plan a birthday party when soccer parties for my other kids were happening.  Often times the kids would come home from practice with a soccer party and it would be right when I would want to have Isaac's birthday. Then we would wait last minute to think of a gift and there his birthday would go.  This year I woke up a week before his birthday and decided at 6 in the morning to have a surprise party.  I had one for Lona and it was Isaac's turn.  I talked to his friends at church and his school friends.  Then the weirdest thing happened.  He took the initiative to ask friends over to hang out on his birthday.  I guess that's what happens when he's forced to make his own celebrations.  Thankfully so many of them had other obligations.  One kid helped to get him out of the house and then kids started showing up.  They ate pizza, ice cream, played video games, opened presents, play ultimate frisbee, and then we had 6 of them sleep on the floor in the family room.  All in all, I think he was mildly surprised but it was rather anti climatic.  Wonder what to do to make it really a surprise.  And yes, the next day I forced him to go out before the Sounders' game to take photos.

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