Welcome to this year's Annual Halloween Costume Photoshoot. First up is everyone's favorite furry friend, Job the Ewok. He is sporting this lovely (made by his grandmother for his uncle) Ewok costume. To authenticate the look, he has added some accessories, the satchel from a hobbit outfit, a stick with the tip burnt into a point and to make sure that even with...

Fall has truly come to Washington. When I learned that we would be in Bellevue for a soccer game I looked around for something else to do. I've decided to pair our soccer trips with an activity afterwards. Lately she has really noticed what she is giving up just for soccer. Often times her friends will call wanting to spend the night only...

This year I am purposing to take time with Lona to go do things. Things that we should be taking advantage of. Sometimes those things have to do with our soccer travels and other times it is meeting up with friends that we don't get to see often and stay in county. This was one of the second things. I had so much...