
An Outing: Bellevue Botanical Gardens

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Fall has truly come to Washington.  When I learned that we would be in Bellevue for a soccer game I looked around for something else to do.  I've decided to pair our soccer trips with an activity afterwards. Lately she has really noticed what she is giving up just for soccer.  Often times her friends will call wanting to spend the night only to be told no because of soccer.  Or we get home too late for her to call her friend back. There have other things she has given up as well such as completing her 4th year Awana book or youth group. In life we all make decisions and give things up for other things. I have always wanted to live in France for a year and become fluent in that language, yet I gave that dream up to marry my husband who is the man of my dreams. One dream for another. It is a life lesson yet it isn't easy. I thought that I could soften that lesson a little by showing her all that she has gained by making the choice to play on a select soccer team.  It is a privilege that she earned and because of that she is able to do other things.  It allows us to do something together, to make memories, to share an experience. So when I learned that the Botanical Gardens bordered the soccer park I figured why not.  The trees must be spectacular judging by our trees here.  I was amazing that just 100 miles south has an effect on the timing of changing leaves.  They weren't quite as colorful as I had thought they would be. We wandered the gardens, shaking water off the trees onto each other, taking photos and being goofy.  The sun would play hide and peek, hiding more than peeking.

Photo by Lona

Photo by Lona (iphone)

Photo by Lona (iphone)

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