

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, December 25, 2014

I told the kids that we were not doing stockings this year but I did anyway. A box of gum from Costco, some chocolate from France that I was saving, a pair of socks each, and a small personal gift. I see stockings as a way to sleep in.  It gives them something to do when I'm not ready to get up yet or while I have my first cup of coffee.  After Thanksgiving this year, I pushed to paint my living room.  What does that have to do with Christmas?  Everything.  I wanted a lighter color than the red brick in there.  I liked the red but needed a change and was tired of everyone having a red tint to their faces whenever I took photos in there. It especially lighted things up on Christmas morning when the kids were opening their presents and it was still dark outside.  After presents were opened and I popped the cinnamon croissant rolls in the oven for breakfast. This is definitely going to become tradition.  It is a four day process and it takes a little longer each day to do something with it but well worth it.  It is flaky and crusty like a croissant but cinnamony and gooey like a cinnamon roll.  Can you see the layers on them?  That is layers of dough and butter. Oh so good.

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