
A Direction

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, September 26, 2015

It seems like when looking back over the summers they tend to have a theme.  Some summers were hiking summers, some were boating, and this summer revolved around tournaments.  We started off with three soccer tournaments scheduled and Lona missing one of them due to family vacation. Then we received this email.  Middle school coaches can you recommend any players for a special tryout for U15 Ranger team.  John thought long and hard and recommended four of his players.  Job was on that list but hesitantly. We weren't sure whether he was committed or able due to his stamina. We thought he was going in a different direction however he decided he would give it a try. He showed up to practice and loved it. No one else that John recommended showed up. John emailed more kids and another one showed up.  Then we went on vacation. Half way through we received an email asking Job to join the team. With two emails our direction totally changed. It seems like that is pretty much how life works. We think we are going one way and then boom something comes along unexpected and we go 180 the other direction. We accepted the place on the team and started the process, paperwork, ordering uniforms, paying fees and so on. Then there were practices and we added another tournament. I bought a family wall calendar to keep track of games and practices and team activities and homework projects and all sorts of stuff. We took a good look at activities and decided that tennis was out for Job. We thought youth group was out and then it changed to Sundays. We are adapting to two children in a select soccer program and realizing that games on the weekends are going to be a little more hectic. It's a direction I didn't think we would take and hesitantly doing so. I don't know if this is the only year Job is doing this or will there be more years but it is the direction we are going in for now.

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