
A Sleepover

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, February 08, 2017
Well they were officially out of school for another day with nothing on the agenda.  Everything was cancelled: schools, activities, and even some businesses. It was time to just hunker down, eat cake and have multiple movie marathons.  Movie of choice:  Twilight Series.  Not just once either. Oh to be a teenager. Well they were officially out of school for another day with...

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A Walk

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, February 07, 2017
When days start before the sun rises and the kids come home after the sun has set, I curl into myself with the grey and the dark pushing me down. Though with this snow, it glistened outside with a frozen layer covered by the sparkling white. There was just something so restorative about the snowfall. It made me happy, deep, inside, to see...

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A Snowstorm

By Leslie Parks - Monday, February 06, 2017
I thought we were done with winter. I had noticed the tulips starting to sprout in the garden. Then it hit.  At first it was just rain, very cold rain then freezing rain. It coated the outside world with ice. The car windows and doors were under a layer of ice so thick that we had to chisel to get into it.  Job...

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A Game

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, February 05, 2017
Are we crazy? We decided to host our youth group Super Bowl party at our house.  We put the game on, set out snacks, anwered the door and had kids over. We played indoor games, ate, and then it was half time.  Something that has been a tradition at our house was to play football during half time.  This year it was snowy...

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A Project: Circular Socks for Isaac

By Leslie Parks - Friday, February 03, 2017
The snow fell gently outside the house. Another rare winter day for us. I placed my mug under the Keurig spout and brewed another cup of coffee. The house was quiet for now but I knew if the flakes kept falling the kids would be out of school again. Picking up some left over yarn from the hat I made Isaac, I decided...

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By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, February 01, 2017
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