
A Snowstorm

By Leslie Parks - Monday, February 06, 2017

I thought we were done with winter. I had noticed the tulips starting to sprout in the garden. Then it hit.  At first it was just rain, very cold rain then freezing rain. It coated the outside world with ice. The car windows and doors were under a layer of ice so thick that we had to chisel to get into it.  Job rolled his window down and pushed on the layer of ice to clear his side window. It was beautiful though. After the freezing rain came the snow. It snowed and it snowed and school was cancelled.  Day after day, I waited to see if the kids were going back to school. Activities around town were cancelled as well as John's work. Essential personnel only, he wasn't essential.  He went any way, at least four hours a day. It was quiet there. I let the kids sleep in here.  It was hard enough getting work done with all of them home so I only did it in the mornings while they slept and if it was quiet work. With them sleeping, it gave me quiet time, time to think and work without interruption, without trying to put out different fires, without trying to fit all my stuff to do into their schedules. They enjoyed the week off, I'm trying to put everything back in order from it.

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