A few years ago I banned celebrating Mother's day at our house. I was tired of having expectations and being disappointed. Really, the expectations were my fault. I would see on facebook all these wonderful posts and I would get angry. Why because my kids didn't live up to my unrealistic expectations. The expectations of a day where everyone wants to be with...

Seventeen years of hiking in this county and you would have thought we would have hike all the trails this county has to offer but we haven't. We haven't even come close to hiking all of them. We were gifted a book called "Hiking Whatcom County" and the pages are dog eared, water logged, warped, and written on. Even then, we haven't even...

One of the things I've always wanted to do was visit the buddhist temple in Richmond BC. We've driven by it for years and I've known that they allow visitors but we've always had other plans. However, this was part of our plan while John's brother, Kevin was here. Most of the days were cloudy and not warm so we were hunting for...

April and May have been the months of visits from John's family. First his mother came and two weeks later his brother arrived. Kevin flew into Seattle and together with John, decided to book end the trip with visits to their dad. However, there was plenty of stuff to do between visiting their dad. One of the things we did was to visit...

Every now and then an activity comes our way that is too crazy to turn down. It's something that can't be made up ever. One day John came home talking about a coworker who had lost 3 cows. They were wild cows, not the tame ones farmers have but very wild. In fact so wild that they broke out of their pasture and...