
An Outing: Seattle Aquarium

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, December 27, 2018
John has been adamant that we go to the Seattle Aquarium over Christmas break.  We've taken the kids to the aquarium in Stanley Park, Vancouver but never Seattle.  I'm not sure why. We've been to the pier and Pike's Place Market so many times but not the here. So going as 5 adults is pricey.  For $9 more we could have bought a...

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Christmas Day

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, December 25, 2018
We've come up with a process that works well for us every year.  I stuff stocking for the kids so that when they get up, they get to open their stockings and have the sugar cereal that I put in there.  This way John and I can sleep in. Then when I get up, I finish up making the Christmas morning cinnamon rolls....

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A getaway: Bellevue and Seattle

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, December 22, 2018
It was needed: time away. We've been struggling lately, not with each other but with different things going on within the family. It had been almost a year and we needed to regroup as a couple, gain perspective and talk. We need to flesh out how to handle things, how we felt about things, and to just relax. John had taken Lona to a...

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An Activity: Christmas Baking

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, December 20, 2018
I had all the intentions in the world to create this awesome display of Christmas treats with gingerbread houses at its core.  Job brought home all of this crush candy cane from his job at the Chocolate Factory and we were going to use it on the roof of the houses.  I baked the walls and the roofs of the houses and they...

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A Tradition: Christmas Tree Decorating

By Leslie Parks - Monday, December 17, 2018
Every year we as a family decorate the tree. This year was hard. Each kid was working some evening during the week, had school during the day or was at a soccer game on the weekend. Bribery worked to corral them together so we could put up the tree.  Job brought home cookies from his work and I used those to get the kids...

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