
An Activity: Christmas Baking

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, December 20, 2018

I had all the intentions in the world to create this awesome display of Christmas treats with gingerbread houses at its core.  Job brought home all of this crush candy cane from his job at the Chocolate Factory and we were going to use it on the roof of the houses.  I baked the walls and the roofs of the houses and they sat on the table ready to be decorated.  I made cookies coated in white chocolate and sprinkled the crushed candy canes on top.  I made Swedish Cardamon Rolls, and Banana Nut Muffins but I never did get around to making the centerpieces of gingerbread houses. I realized that I needed to let go of my best intentions for having an enjoyable and delicious Christmas Season even without the gingerbread houses.

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