
An Adventure: Eagle Cliffs on Cypress Island

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, July 27, 2023

 Once our boat was safely attached to the mooring ball at Pelican Beach, we climbed into our little dinghy and rowed to shore.  We found the fern lined trail leading uphill towards the cliffs.  Broadleaf Stonecrop  and flowering foamflowers also made their appearances along the trail.  One thing about hiking the island trails, you pretty much only meet a few people, and everyone has arrived by boat. There are all kinds of boaters, weekend boaters, liveaboard vagabonds, and once in a lifetime charters.  The last bit of the trail was steeper but not overly so and we popped out of the woods onto a bare cliff top overlooking Fisherman's Cove and Obstruction and Peavine Pass.  Though the cliffs are named for the eagles that soar here, vultures do as well and we saw a flock of them.  The scene from the Jungle Book entered my head and I could almost hear them say, "What do you want to do? I don't know, what do you want to do? Oh, don't start that again."  We stayed until the air became a bit chilly, chatting with the other boaters that made the trek as well.  Back to our little floating hillbilly home, we settled in for dinner and an early night.  I was exhausted, not being used to the six hours of sailing and a hike.  

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