surface tension fun

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, April 06, 2010

The greens are with my camera's flash.  You can see the water tension.  So very science and cool.  Then the grey and blues are with the off camera flash.  I added food coloring towards the end and liked how it stayed together.

 We looked at things today and decided that if we double up on school on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting next week then we can be totally done with our book work by May 21.  Most of it would be done by the 12th.  The kids voted and that's what we are doing. So I've been playing around with some photography.  I think that it is saving my sanity.  I get to be a little creative in a small amount of time.  I go back and forth with scrapbooking and photography but one feeds the other so hey why not. Right now I'm working on backlighting, metering modes and capturing motion.  Capturing motion doesn't always mean freezing the action.  Sometimes it does but sometimes it means to imply motion.  With soccer, it usually implys freezing the actions and so for a few days I've been working on that with water drops.  There is a little of science involved in this because water has a surface tension.  I guess there are newtonian and non-newtonian fluids. Water is a newtonian fluid and corn starch is a non-newtonian fluid (or so John thinks).  Any how, I took a clear pan and placed it over a piece of paper on the counter, and filled it with water.  Then I filled a plastic bag with water and hung it over the clear pan.  I poked a hole in the bag so that little drops of water dropped into the pan below.  Setting my camera on manual with the settings at ISO of 100, f/8 @ 1/200 shutterspeed, I popped up my flash and took three quick bursts of photos.  I liked what I saw when it was zoomed.  Then I borrowed a friends off camera flash (actually two of them) and his remote flash controller thing, set them up on cereal boxes, (remember to turn everything on) and started shooting.  I liked what I got that time too.  So this is where I got the info:  strobist  It took a while before it worked out.  First I forgot to use my flash, then I had too high of an ISO.  Later, I didn't turn on the flashes.  Finally I didn't know how to set my camera and the flashes.  I'm learning a ton.

Aujourd'hui je joue avec mon camera et l'eau.  C'est lui mes photos.  C'est une seulment goutte de l'eau.  J'aime d'apprendre des choses nouveau avec mon camera.

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