Company Picnic

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Every year John's company has a picnic.  We haven't gone for the last few years.  I think that the kids are getting too old.  They have bounce houses and horse rides, magic shows, hamburgers and hot dogs, ice cream and pop.  This year though they had something that we haven't seen before.  They had a mechanical bull.  John and all the kids tried it.  Me, not at all.  They guy was really nice and made the bull go slow for the kids.  John asked him about some tips and he told him to keep his eyes on the hump (shoulders and neck).  It was fun to watch.  Lona ended up playing on the merry-go-round mostly.  And me, I played with my camera at night. 
Chaque annee, le companie de John avait un pique-nique pour les employes.  Ils ont des maisons de rebond, des hamburgers et des cocoa, des glaces, des tours de chevals, une exposition de magie, et quelque chose nouveau pour nous.  Ils ont un taureau mechanique.  John et les enfants l'essayent.  Moi, pas du tout.  Le monsieur est gentil avec les enfants et a donne des consiels a John.  Voir le cou et epaule du taureau.  Lona aime le carrousel le plus.  Moi, je juste pris des photos. 

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