While the cat is away the mice will play

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, August 23, 2011

That is just what Lona and I did.  We played while the guys were adventuring.  Four years ago both boys were involved in chess club once a week and so Lona and I did a ton of stuff and then completed a scrapbook on the things we did together.  This year we decided to do it again but we had three days to complete everything instead of a day a week for 5 months the boys were campng.  Lona brought down her scrapbook and we looked at the list we made when she was 5.  It provided a foundation for us this year.  Our list this year included:  bake cookies, get a pedicure, watch movies, go to Busara's for Lunch, play at the park with friends, go shopping, bike to the library and Wood's coffee in Ferndale, and scrapbook our adventure.  It has been a total blast.  We watched Soul Surfer with one of my friends down the street and decided that it was a buy-worthy movie.  We went to Phase 2 to have a pedicure based on a recommendation from a friend.  I have never had one before and was surprised at how much I really liked it.  I can see doing this more often.  I generally don't like my feet touched but there were only a few times that I was sensitive about it.  We watched the new Star Trek movie again and part of one of the old TV series.  We baked pecan tassies, ( should have used mini muffin tins) and French Lace Cookies (they are more like candy than a cookie).  Stayed up way to late.  Ate at Taco Time with the Sutherlands after playing at the Lynden park for a couple of hours. 

Pour le deuxieme fois, les garcons de notre familee rendezvous avec des autre garcons pour quelques jour de jouer sur la lac.  Lona et moi restons chez nous alors nous faisons des choses juste pour les filles.  Nous avons recu des pedicures, pris notres velo a la bibliotheque, faisons des galettes et joue avec notres amies sur un parc.  Nous sommes allees au restaurant pour manger des pizzas, des cuisines thailiandaise et mexicaine.  Nous avons garder des films aussi.  J'aime passer des jours seulment avec Lona comme ca.  C'est juste des jours avec une maman et sa fille.

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