Skiing with Isaac

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, March 03, 2020

I'm not sure how many years it's been since I was on skis.  Too many. When Issac originally asked, I thought I would just snowshoe into the lodge and meet him for lunch and then snowshoe around the area.  I love snowshoeing when it's a nice day.  If it's cold and windy, I'd rather read by the fire.  However, Issac gently pressured me into skiing instead.  I should have realized the day would be full of "gentle" pressure to ski harder and harder runs.  I remember pressuring him to get out of his comfort zone and now the shoe is on the other foot.  For the most part, he was content to just ski with me the runs I was comfortable with.  Occasionally he would ski a harder area and I would meet him at the bottom to ride the chair again.  It was the middle of the week and we could practically ski onto the chair.  It was wonderful not to have to wait in line.  The morning was beautiful, clear skies, bright snow, a little more than a gentle breeze but not bad. Then after lunch a storm rolled in.  We skied until about 2:30 and then headed for home.  A perfect day.

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