Not too far from the desert botanical gardens is papagos park. This is one that fills up as soon as it opens in the morning. After driving past the entrance at least four times because I couldn’t understand Google maps, we finally found it and a coveted parking spot to boot. I was mildly disappointed in this park due to the hype there was about it. I think if I was riding a bike or running this would have been a great “trail” run/ride. I say that loosely due to the fact that you can see one end of the park to the other, except for the large rocks on one end of the park. However, once on the other side of the park and into the crevices of the rock formation we came upon the hummingbirds. We were still and quiet and soon the area was alive with the hummingbirds flitting from bush to bush and chasing each other off. Apparently they are very territorial. As soon as someone would come along blaring music as they walked or loudly talking, the humming birds disappeared and no one would ever have know they were there. I would stand next to a bush and listening for the humming of wings and the tiny little squawks. Trying quickly to focus on them before they darted and streaked to another bush or another bird. It was amazing to watch and I had to tear myself away to finish the walk around the park.