Rock Trail

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, May 22, 2022

 It always amazes me how many trails there are in the Chuckanuts.  I am pretty sure there are ones that we haven't hiked yet.  Some of our favorites we hike over and over again such as Rock Trail.  I can't remember when we discovered it but it was for sure when we had kids still at home.  When I was having knee issues and it hurt to hike downhill after hiking up hill this became a favorite.  Since you start at the top and hike down and then back up.  This allowed me to hike and strengthened my knees to do some of the other hikes.  It is also a great one to take a dog since it is less popular than Oyster Dome.  Our first hike with this crazy dog.  I have such visions of having this incredibly obedient and loyal dog but she is so much work!  Wouldn't trade her but it's like having a toddler.  

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