A Date: Marine Park

By Leslie Parks - Friday, July 15, 2022

Sailboats, fishing vessels, kayaks and pleasure crafts crisscross the Sound on beautiful summer days here in the Pacific Northwest. However it's the hour or two before sunset that make this area along the water almost magical. It casts it's warm glow upon the land and shimmers on top of the water.  That beautiful time of day draws magic seekers to the water's edge and we are no different. On a summer evening with no other plans and a sky with few clouds we make our way to our almost private little jut of land.  Remnants of campfires and fireworks remain among the hard boulders and scrub bushes.  Dry grasses blow and bend in the ocean breeze as hares scurry into the wild brambles when they see the dog approach.  Sitting at the edge overlooking the water splash and lap against the sandstone shore, we lean into each other, quiet, thinking, enjoying each other's company.  Twice we've come here with a beer or bottle of wine but wishing for tea or hot cocoa instead as the air has cooled from the ocean chill.  We sit, watching, the dog unable to stop moving, exploring, sniffing.  Her exuberance at discovery makes us laugh and we know that moments like this is truly living.  

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