
By Leslie Parks - Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lona had her final dance recital for the year.  We started to get ready for it at 1pm.  Her hair was done by 2:30 and by 3:00 we were at the theatre for the dress rehearsal.  By 4:30 we were home for a quick dinner and back at the theatre by 6:00.  (We had to go back for the tickets that I forgot.)  It really is an incredible production.  We left the theatre at 10pm.  It was long but the dancers did a fantastic job.  Some of the numbers made me want to learn to dance but I really have no rhythm.  The little kids between the ages of 3 and 5 were hilarious.  They did so many funny things such as running around the stage, turning at the wrong time, slipping and falling down, walking off the stage back into the wings.  Both the boys just laughed when the little ones were on.  The youngest kids are so funny because they don't always do what they practice and they leave stage, stand and wave or even fall and cry, however they are adorable and tend to steal the show.  Lona's group was towards the end of the evening and I thought she did amazing.  She is the youngest in her group.  She's eight and the oldest is 15.  But of course this is just a mother's opinion.  We are definitely going to do this again.

C'est le fin pour la dance.  Elle a un grand production.  Dans sa classe elle est le jeune.  Les autre filles sont entre 10 et 15 ans.  Je pense que Lona est magnifique.  Je la suis en fier.  Nous commencons a 1 heure apres midi avec ses cheveux.  Apres une heure et demi, nous sommes finis.  A 3 heures apres midi, nous avons au theatre pour la repetition.  La production commence a 6 heures et demi, alors nous retrournons chez nous pour le dinner et allons encore a 6 heures apres midi pour la production.  Sa classe danse a le fin.  La production est 3 heures, c'est longe mais agreable.  Les garcons aiment de voir les petits enfants dansent.  C'est amusent parce qu'elles ont arrete ou tourne ou donne des bisoux a ses mamas.  Quand c'est temps pour Lona, je pense qu'elle est parfait mais je suis sa maman. 

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