Too cool for school

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Isaac completed his first semester in school.  There were many things that both Isaac and I had to learn but learn them we did.  I have to tell you that I did miss him, and so did Job and so did Lona.  There were days that he just wanted to stay home.  There were days that I wanted him to just stay home.  But he finished the semester and did it with a 3.8 GPA.  Not surprising that his best classes were science and math based classes.  Of course he loved PE too.  It's funny but at home he hated math but at school loved it.  I think it's because I pushed him hard at home and math at school was easy.  So we celebrated with Aviator sunglasses. 
Isaac fait bien au college et nous sommes en fier de lui.  Il fait le mieux dans des classes du mathematique et de la science.  Je pense c'est parce que nous avons deja fait tous qu'il faut faire dans la classe de mathematique l'annee avant. Mais nous devons celebrer, alors je lui achete des lunettes du soliel.

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