
An investment: Cupcakes

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, November 13, 2014

Something so small such as cupcakes can bring two people together from two different age groups and two different personality traits.  I am not a cupcake maker.  In fact I am not a cake maker; not at all.  I may have baked a cake once, but I really can't remember.  The little cupcakes that are floating around pinterest are so beautiful and I have three cake stands!  I really can't resist cake stands.  They are so elegant and beautiful and they keep my croissants quite nicely, but to use them for cupcakes or cakes, sacre bleu.  It can't be done.  However, we needed to bring cupcakes though to the carnival at church for a cake walk.  I enlisted Danica who is oh so talented with all things cake (she gets it from her mother) to help out.  I stood back and watched with my camera as Danica patiently took Lona under her wing and showed her how to put frosting into a frosting bag, twist it and then pipe out these beautiful flowers on the cupcakes.  She would gently hold the petite cake in her left hand and she deftly swirled both hands around with the frosting perfectly landing on top.  She is such a gentle, quiet and sweet girl.  She spent her afternoon with a wild one and teaching not only Lona but me as well.  The friendship these two have is special and I don't think she knows how much it meant to Lona or to me to invest that little bit of time doing something so simple for her.

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