
An Uneasy Friendship

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, November 20, 2014

Isaac is a typical high school student except that he's attending Whatcom Community College.  He's involved with our youth group at church, played tennis in the fall, chess during the winter season. He played on an outdoor recreation soccer team and an indoor soccer team.  He also referees soccer games on the weekends.  His life is one of a typical high school kid, sometimes arrogant.  He spots hypocrisy and is quick to call it out except when he's involved in it. Usually he uses his brain and thinks except when he doesn't, yet that is like all of us.  If we are to be truthful, we don't always think before we act/speak.  Like all high school kids he has a couple of nemesis whose whole job at this point of their young life is to torment Isaac.  He smiles, shakes his head, ignores them or grabs them and shakes them upside down.  I think he teases them back too.  The other day the little minion came over and hung out with me. It was just the two of us for a while and then Isaac came home.  He walked in the door and immediately walked over and sat down on the couch next to his little nemesis. They talked video game, which is a whole other language and Isaac showed him some stuff.  Then they threw the football around for a while.  There was this little truce between them and I think a uneasy friendship between a high school kid and a grade school kid is slowly being formed.

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