
A Date: Snowshoeing on Mount Baker

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Stepping out of the van, I breathed in and turned my face toward the sun. The air was cold on my lungs and I wrapped my scarf around my face to warm the air before breathing in. John and I filled our backpacks with food and our 10 essentials bag, then picked up our snowshoes, and poles, we walked over to the boundary...

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Christmas and an Incindent

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, December 27, 2015
 The stockings are hung by the chimney with care in hopes that the teenagers will let me sleep in.  I can't remember how long ago I started using the stockings as entertainment while I slept in on Christmas morning. I put in things such as socks, gum, sometimes cereal, and candy. This year I found fuzzy lap blankets for each kid for $5....

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A Goodbye: Piano

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, December 27, 2015
After many years of piano lessons it's time to say goodbye.  I'm having a hard time with it. I want so badly for my daughter to continue playing the piano. I want to hear the music float through the house. I love listening to her play and at times I'm a little envious of how easy it is for her. It's almost like...

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An Outing: Eagles on the Nooksack

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, December 26, 2015
A couple of years ago I stumbled upon the fact that Bald Eagles congregate along the Nooksack River during salmon spawning season.  Lona and I made a couple of treks out there. This year I convinced our friends and the rest of the family to go with us. We drove up Mount Baker Highway to Mosquito Lake Road and pulled into the fishing...

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An Outing: Mug Shots at Olympic Game Farm

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, December 10, 2015
Lona had a game in Sequim last weekend. It's the farthest we travel for games and it really isn't all that far but getting there is the difficult part.  Basically there are two options, drive all the way around the sound or take the ferry across.  Either way ends up being the same amount of time, however by taking the ferry you don't...

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A Walk

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, December 03, 2015
The wind whipped my hair past my face as the naked trees danced around me. The ground still frozen where the sun had not yet reached crunched under my feet. The crisp air tingled my cheeks as I ambled down the path next to the river accompanied by my dog.  I watched him run, sniff, circle,  and return with pure abandoned joy. It...

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