
Christmas and an Incindent

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, December 27, 2015

 The stockings are hung by the chimney with care in hopes that the teenagers will let me sleep in.  I can't remember how long ago I started using the stockings as entertainment while I slept in on Christmas morning. I put in things such as socks, gum, sometimes cereal, and candy. This year I found fuzzy lap blankets for each kid for $5.  I couldn't pass them up and when rolled they still fit in the stocking. Job and Lona made plans to wake early because they are still excited for Christmas morning. The rest of us really wanted to sleep in.  It was becoming a habit with John off work and the kids out of school.  However this Christmas held a different kind of morning for us.  I woke to hear the two early birds fighting, by the time I came downstairs Job was in tears and there was a pool of blood under his foot.  He had stubbed his toe so bad that he popped the nail out of the nail bed and through the skin. We cleaned and bandaged it as well as possible and he hobbled the rest of the day. With his foot elevated he read the Christmas story to us before opening presents and then played Xbox the rest of the day since his toe hurt so bad.  We ended up changing the dressing every couple of hours and the next day headed to the doctor to see if it was broken.  It wasn't but he needed to change the dressing everyday and keep a close eye on it to make sure it didn't get infected.  It will be a Christmas to remember that is for sure.

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