
An Outing: Eagles on the Nooksack

By Leslie Parks - Saturday, December 26, 2015

A couple of years ago I stumbled upon the fact that Bald Eagles congregate along the Nooksack River during salmon spawning season.  Lona and I made a couple of treks out there. This year I convinced our friends and the rest of the family to go with us. We drove up Mount Baker Highway to Mosquito Lake Road and pulled into the fishing access. I was excited and hopeful. The rain had been coming down hard and I really wanted to see the Eagles, not only for me but for the rest of the crew I had convinced to make the trek to the bridge.  We pulled into the fishing access and I knew by the line of cars that we wouldn't have a problem. The screeching from the eagles surrounded us as we stepped from our vans. I lifted up my eyes to see the white heads of the eagles lining the river bank downstream.  Turning up stream, I saw one on the otherside of the river tearing appart a salmon. We walked up to the bridge and scanned upstream. There they were, in the river, in the trees, all along the river bank. I felt giddy, like a little kid in a toy store. Everything I knew about photography flew out of my head. I couldn't remember which direction to turn to zoom in. I was sharing something special with family and friends. This place, these birds, together takes my breath away each time. I feel blessed to live in this part of the country. Where else can you drive for 45 minutes and see over a hundred bald eagles in the wild? Truly amazing.

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