
A Season: Indoor

By Leslie Parks - Monday, December 18, 2017

There were four high school girl teams so each team played the other teams three times and then there was the championship games.  Two games, one for 1st and 2nd and the other for 3rd or 4th.  The team that beat us were mostly senior varsity girls from one of the Bellingham schools.  They were good.  Then there were two other team, the Ranger white freshman team and a rec team from Blaine.  Lona's team came in 2nd. It was so lop sided.  I almost wished that they had taken all the girls and mixed them up, putting strong and weak player together kind of like the way they do it for the men's over 40 league.  You sign up and they put you on a team, assign you a color and the games are back to back.  Fun.  This wasn't like that and some teams took a beating.  We did when we played the first place team.
I really do like watching her play.  Looking back on some photos, it is amazing how much things have changed since she played on the small field 7 years ago to now that she's playing on the large field.

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