
Christmas Morning

By Leslie Parks - Monday, December 25, 2017

For the last few years, we allow the kids to open stockings so that we can sleep in. The rule is to be quiet and take out the rolls from the fridge so that I can start baking them once I get up.  I always include some kind of breakfast food in their stocking. Years past it has been individual sugary cereal but this year I put pop tarts in. I figured everyone likes pop tarts but alas I was wrong.  One out of three doesn't like pop tarts. Go figure. At 8 am, the kids were still not up.  I got up, took out the rolls to let them rise and then started picking up. By 10, we called the kids down so we could get on with the day.  John feels like the day is almost over if we don't get up by 8 am so 10 am was generous. They wandered downstairs and they started passing out presents.  Isaac read from the Bible like we do every Christmas morning.  We all had a pile, even the dog.  They opened their gifts and some things didn't fit but that was to be expected. Other things were surprises.  Lona and Isaac got each other flannel shirts and they both bought Job socks.  It was what he wanted. None of the kids wrapped my presents, but when I'm the gift wrapper in the house it is to be expected. Both John and I knew what we were getting.  Mine came early, it was a monitor and I have to say that it has made a world of difference to have a large monitor while working on photos.  The morning was calm and relaxing.  The rest of the day included some throwing of the Frisbees and making Christmas dinner.  Enjoyable and perfect.

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