
Deer Lake

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, July 12, 2020

We made our way towards Sol Duc Falls and turned off onto the Deer Lake Trail.  Too far down the trail to turn back but not far enough to continue on we realized that we forgot our water bottles.  What were we thinking when we left them in the car.  The truth, we weren't thinking however there is a reason why we hike with the 10 essentials. In our 10 essential bag we have a water filter and bag.  We have never had an opportunity until now to use it.  I think we've carried the 10 essentials for at least 10 years if not more and this was the first time we've pulled out the water filter.  We loaded up at the creek, tested it out and continued.  Heck we were headed towards Deer Lake, there would be water.  And there was.  After crossing a couple of wooden walk ways, we headed deep into the old growth fir trees on a stony trail that lead higher and higher onto the mountain. There were a few designated campsites along the way that at any other year would be full. This year they were closed. The trail kept climbing unitl it didn't and there was the lake. We wandered around to the left planning on looping around the lake. And in the meadow on the far end of the lake were deer.  I didn't expect it.  How many lakes are named after animals that you never even see the animal?  Too man.  Bear lake, no bears, moose lake, no moose and so I didn't really expect to see deer, yet there they were bedding down in the lush tall grassy meadow.  They kept their eyes on us though the weren't quite ready to leave their spot. I took photos while on the path as we passed them.  Around the lake we went and back down the hill to the car, just as it decided to start with a little sprinkle.


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