
Rialto Beach

By Leslie Parks - Friday, July 10, 2020

I walked along the beach listening as the waves giggled along the rocky shore. Each time the water streamed into the ocean, it pulled the small pebbles with them and they tumbled along with a plinking sound that to me sounded like laughter. I smiled as I continued on my way making for an arch at the north end of the beach. My husband was left near the parking lot enjoying the sun with hi eyes closed.  Our 25th wedding anniversary and we were spending it van camping. We had always talked about going on a bigger trip for our 25th but this hasn't been a typical year and so we decided to explore an area closer to home. And so on this beautiful summer day we explored part of the Olympic Peninsula that was accessible to the public and I walked where the pebbles laughed and I smiled because even with a pandemic I am still married to the love of my life.


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