
A Vacation: Eagles on the Beach

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, August 02, 2023

 My bare feet were covered in sand as I trudged along the beach when I heard the telltale shriek of an eagle.  I am used to that sound along the Nooksack River at home but not here.  Instantly I picked my head up, looking around trying to spot it in the tall pines.  Then I turned a different direction and squinting towards the waves. There is where I spotted it.  Just out of reach of the waves.  I used to run these shores and now I walk them with my camera in hand and so quickly brought up my camera to photograph this unusual sight.  Every morning, I walked the shore with camera in hand and was rewarded with another encounter of eagles, not just the one, but two along the beach.  Slowly, I edged my feet into the small fast flowing creek that cut across the beach, holding my camera high above the water as it crept higher and higher, and covering my knees.  Hoping it wouldn't get any deeper, the cold water swirled around my legs, I kept crossing, switching my view between the eagles and the creek bed.  I walked at a diagonal towards the pair of eagles.  Stopping to photograph them, hoping that I could get closer and not scare them into flight.  The combination of morning mist, predawn colors of the sky, rolling surf upon the beach, haystack rock and eagles became almost magical.

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