Father's Day - Part 2

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, June 30, 2009

On they way home from our aborted bike ride, we passed Lake Sammish and decided to check out the boat launch. The lake is lovely but the take out is brutal. We don't have a 4x4 so it makes pulling our boat out a major operation with as many adult in the back of the truck as possible. We are a little short of adults in our family so we wait until other people arrive. Since we haven't been here for a couple years due to that reason we decided to check it out. The day in Bellingham was beautiful not at all like in Woodinville. We pull into the lot, look around and the next thing I know John is diving into the water. We bribed the kids to go into the water too.
Apres nous avons decider de retourner a la maison en le jour de pere, nous visitons une lac pres de nous. C'est vraiment joli et nous aimons la lac mais c'est trops difficile avec le bateau. C'est facile de metre le bateau dans l'eau mais quand nous voulons prendre le bateau nous n'avons pas assez de force avec le camion de prendre le bateau. Nous pensons que peut etre c'est different apres quelques annee alors nous avons aller de voir. Mais non, c'est le meme. Nous voyons l'eau et John decede de plunger dans l'eau. C'est plus difficile pour les enfants d'aller dedans.

Job found a log that he could float on. Apparently that was better than getting all wet.
Job trouve un bois qu'il utilize comme un bateau. C'est meiux que plunger dans l'eau.

Lona wanted to try it out so bad. Lona veut esseyer le bateau aussi.

John was able to talk Job into swimming with him. finalement, John et Job nager ensemble dans la lac.

It was harder to get Lona into the water. Il faut que Lona fait un visage quand elle nage.

This was her reaction to the water.

Since when did Isaac become a farmer? What is with the grass? Qu'est que Isaac fait? Il n'est pas un fermier.

My favorite photo of the day. The color is off but I love the interaction of everyone.
That is how we ended father's day. An impromptu swim on the way home. I love spontaneity.
C;est mon photo favorite de tous la jour. Je n'aime pas le colour mais j'aime tous la familee ensemble.
C'est domment la jour de pere fini, avec un plunger dans une lac. C'est parfait.

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