On a Friday morning John drove out to work just for a few hours. He works four ten hours days and so he doesn't really need to go to work on Fridays but it is a chance for him to get ready for the next week, tidy up, go through emails and stuff like that. He had a project meeting coming up and wanted to make sure his ducks were in a row. I had a physical therapy appointment so I was gone. When I arrived home I received this message on the answering machine. "Hello Leslie, I've been involved in an accident. I'm fine, it's taking a while for the highway patrolman to arrive." I immediately called him at work. He was indeed fine but not the truck. We had someone look at it and it was totaled. We were not looking at getting a new truck. In fact I was not looking at any newer vehicles for a long long time (four years or more). It's been a little over a week and John's neck and back are still sore. We have no word yet on replacing the truck but I'm hoping that we will hear about it this week. John was driving down Grandview (it's a 50 mph road) and the person in front was making a left hand turn so he stopped. John slowed down and stopped as well. Unfortunately the person behind him didn't and had enough time to press on the brakes and then hit him. Apparently he wasn't paying attention/dozed off. We are so thankful that it wasn't worse which it could have been. Our kids weren't in the truck otherwise the back of their heads would have hit the back window hard. The back seats don't have head rests. John did not hit the car in front and the other driver wasn't seriously hurt either. He called John the other day and I guess he has some bruising from the seat belt but he was wearing a seat belt thankfully. It's always good to count our blessings and times like this make us aware that our lives are truly in the hands of our Creator.
John travaille pour dix heures par jour chacque semaine lundi jusque jeudi. Vendredi John travaille pour trois ou quatre heures mais ce n'est pas necessaire. Je vais chez docteur pour mon dos et quand je retourn chez moi j'ai ecoute un message par repondeur. "Leslie, c'est moi. Je suis dans un accident mais je suis d'accorde. Je n'ai pas sur avec le camion." Je vit le telephone et oui il est d'accorde. Mais le camion n'est pas. Nous pouvons condruire le camion mais nous ne pouvons pas remorquez un bateau et le chaisse est pli. Il faut que nous achetons un nouveau camion. Nous sommes reconnaisant que les enfant n'est pas dans le camion. Nous sommes reconnaisant que John ou l'autre garcon n'est pas tres mal. Nous sommes reconnaisant que John n'a pas frappe le voiture devant lui. Notre vie est dans le main de notre Dieu.