School Schedule Fall 2010

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Some are excited but Job is being a pickle, quelqu'uns sont excite mais pas Job
I keep this blog mainly for me and my family and there are some things that I want to record just for us to have a record of but don't necessarily want to make it public record so here is a briefing of our fall schedule.

School is starting for us.  Isaac's schedule is full, he has 5 days of soccer practice, two days of french class, piano lessons and a class on Genesis at church.  Job and Lona have soccer practice twice a week (once at the same time different locations), piano lessons and Awana.  Lona is taking dance class once a week.  Some days I am driving around to three different locations and other days another mom is helping out. 

This week we have a doctor appointment in Seattle, orthodontist appointment and a hair appointment.  I'm not sure when I'll be able to get my hair done after this week.  Hopefully before Christmas.  Maybe it's good that I can't work out for a little while longer.  It means that I can sleep in a little while longer.  This schedule doesn't look crazy until mapping it out with times and days and then it I look at it like it might be impossible but I know it is doable.  Some people do way more than this.

That is our activity schedule but our school book schedule looks different.
Last year Isaac, Job and Lona all did the same curriculum for History and Bible.  Isaac has finished that portion so he is moving on.  Job and Lona will continue with History and Bible together.  They will be studying Creation through Ancient Egypt and Genesis through Judges.  This year for math, Lona will have graduated to working on her own and I'm going to be checking her work.  We'll see if she is ready for that yet.  I have a list of books Job and Lona will be reading with comprehension guides to go with them.  Spelling is included in all their work.  They work on the words as they use them.  Isaac is going through Ancient Literature, Biblical doctrine and theology, algebra, and general science.  It is going to be an interesting year.  I'm excited to get started but really want a couple more days to really get ready for this. 

welcome back supplies, des chose pour l'ecole

J'ecrit cette blog pour quelques raisons.  Une raison est de garder mes memories.  Une autre raison est de partager notre vie avec notre familee et notre amis.  Je voudrais d'ecrire notre programme mais c'est pas un bonne idea de partager tous.

Isaac avait le practique de football cinq jours par semaine, une classe de francais deux jours par semaine, une classe du piano, un classe avec John a notre eglise, et une programme pour des gens a un autre eglise un soir par semaine.  Il est un arbitre chaque samedi pour trois en cinq match du football.  Job et Lona ont des practique deux fois par semaine pour le football, Awana (une programme pour des enfants a l'eglise) une nuit, et une lesson du piano/  Lona a un lessons de dance un jour par semaine.

Pour l'ecole Job et Lona etudient l'histoire et le bible ensemble.  J'ai une liste des livres pour Job et Lona de lire.  C'est le premiere annee que Lona etude le mathematique toute seule mais je le voir comment elle le fait.  Pour l'histoire ils etudent l'Egypte antique et en le bible, ils etudent genese au juges.  Isaac etude l'histoire antiuqe, algebre, et la science. 

Je suis excite de commence mais aussi j'ai bessoin quelques jours de prepare.

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