Flying High

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, April 12, 2011

One of the greatest joys our kids have is jumping on the trampoline with their dad.  "Jump with us" they plead when it is not raining.  Somehow their dad can do things that I as a mother wouldn't even think of or feel in control when doing it.  I didn't grow up with a trampoline so I still feel like I have a little loss of control when I'm jumping and feel like I'm too high or there are too many kids on the trampoline. Although if I want to practice taking photos all I have to say is "let's take photos of you jumping."  Sometimes they come inside asking me to take photos of them jumping.  Win-Win situation. 

Notres enfants aiment le trampoline.  Ils ont demandes "s'il te plait, saute avec nous" quand il ne pleut pas.  Leur pere peut faire des chose que moi la mere ne peut pas faire comme saute plus haute ou saute avec beaucoup des enfants sur le trampoline.  Mais souvent j'ecoute "prends mes photo, s'il te plait."  Si je veux prendre des photos pour practique il faut que je dit, "Viens et saute sur le trampoline pour des photos."

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