A Project: Circular Socks for Isaac

By Leslie Parks - Friday, February 03, 2017

The snow fell gently outside the house. Another rare winter day for us. I placed my mug under the Keurig spout and brewed another cup of coffee. The house was quiet for now but I knew if the flakes kept falling the kids would be out of school again. Picking up some left over yarn from the hat I made Isaac, I decided to make socks to go along with it.  I thought about mittens, but college boys do NOT wear mittens. They wear gloves, and performance gloves at that. A scarf was also out of the question. So I settled on socks. I found a pair on Ravelry and casted on. Part way through I realized that it wasn't going to work so I unraveled the yarn and wound it back into a ball.  Yarn is a funny thing. When the color is plain and has no variation it works great to pair it with a contrasting color. However when there is variation to it, pairing it is more difficult since the contrasting yarn color shouldn't be in the ball of yarn with variation. I can't seem to be able to keep the pattern when the yarn colors are too similar.  I find myself loving the plain monocolored yarns being knitted together.  There is just something satisfying about weaving the colors in and around each other while watching the pattern appear. I had made socks like this for Job a while back using similar colors only grey socks with red circles instead of the maroon color. As my needles and yarn dance, my mind goes to the person I'm knitting for. Sometimes I pray as I knit, sometimes I reminisce of times gone by with that person. This day I sat in my sanctuary, my living room, and I knitted as the snow started to pile up and it felt just right to be still and watch and enjoy the quiet.

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