A Walk

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, February 07, 2017

When days start before the sun rises and the kids come home after the sun has set, I curl into myself with the grey and the dark pushing me down. Though with this snow, it glistened outside with a frozen layer covered by the sparkling white. There was just something so restorative about the snowfall. It made me happy, deep, inside, to see the world sparkling, clean, almost pure.  I was compelled to get outside and breathe that air that almost hurt my lungs but was refreshing at the same time. Everywhere I looked there was something that caught my attention, something that struck me. It made me pause in this season of go-go, this time of tiredness that tends to be a slog with no festivities in sight.  I came back from these snowy walks invigorated and able to deal with cooped up teenagers, dirty dishes, laundry, and the need for groceries and meals. I had reset and felt the lightness of the day instead of the dark.

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