A Wish: Mother's Day

By Leslie Parks - Sunday, May 13, 2018

A few years ago I banned celebrating Mother's day at our house.  I was tired of having expectations and being disappointed.  Really, the expectations were my fault.  I would see on facebook all these wonderful posts and I would get angry.  Why because my kids didn't live up to my unrealistic expectations. The expectations of a day where everyone wants to be with me, give me gifts, say nice things, pick up after themselves and no fighting with each other. Seriously that is so unrealistic.  There will never be a pinterest  worthy mother's day celebration with brunch and flowers and a clean house here.  That isn't who we are so why would I expect that? But I would and so to release myself and my family for unrealistic expectations, I banned any sort of Mother's Day at our house and we have been much happier. There is no trolling for compliments, gifts or attitudes.  We are free to do our own thing and for Mother's Day, it is kids going different directions and doing regular life.  It's me taking time to read a book or play solitaire or eat croissants for three meals.  This year though I did want one thing.  I just wanted to take some family photos.  It took about 30 minutes at an empty lot across the street from Costco.  Once done we happily returned home and did our own thing again.  It was perfect and maybe just maybe we will start a trend to take family photos around the same time each year until we actually go our separate ways.  I am not sure how many more "family" photos we can take until they move out and/or move away.

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