A Tradition: Pears

By Leslie Parks - Thursday, September 06, 2018

There is something so satisfying about watching growth happen and then reaping the rewards of your effort.  This is such a simple thing but from the spring we watch and wait and work and water in anticipation. The harvest comes and we've already pruned out half of the fruit before they became too big and now we can pick the remaining fruit. We pick and eat fresh from the tree with juice dribbling down our chins dripping sticky spots on the floor.  I bake rum spiced walnut pear tartes and caramel pear pies. They go in salads with goat cheese, spinach and walnuts and a creamy dressing. I have plans to bake, glaze and grill them.We give them to friends and neighbors.  The smell of ripe pears permeates the house for two weeks and then they are gone.  Until the first hint of pears comes with the blossoms on the tree in the spring.

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