As I look back at the month, I realized that I've taken a lot of food photos. John and my friend both purchased food photography books for me. Each book speaks a lot about light and so did my last photography instructor, Wendy Schultz. Before really studying photography and the role of light, I'd just pick up my camera and snap a photo. ...

I am a non-knitter. I've tried really. I knitted a baby sweater but brought it to my friend and said help me. I can't see dropped stitches or read patterns, put in button holes or knit pieces together. I've knitted a scarf but it isn't the prettiest. I can cast on but can't really remember to cast off and forget about counting. I...
Job's team video L'equipe de Job ...
I have lightroom and love it. It has a feature to create a slideshow. I've used Photoshope Elements slideshow and really like it. In fact I use it at the end of each soccer season when I put together a slideshow for the team. I haven't used Lightroom's slideshow and decided to try it out. J'appris un nouveau chose. J'ai Lightroom (c'est pour...

For many years we haven't had a gaming system. Our philosophy has been: we have a computer and you can play games on it so why spend money on a game system. We only give our kids 20 minutes a day on the computer anyway. There are so many other things for them to do instead of playing on the computer. We've heard...

This year we have celebrated more of his birthday's together than apart. I wish I could say that we are having a party and I'm pampering him but alas that is not the case due to activities. Last night I made him a BLT sand which and blackberry pie for dinner. He had soccer practice so usually doesn't eat much those nights. I...

We live in the Pacific Northwest. That means it rains a lot. Not rain forest rain, but a lot but many many days. It may drizzle and sprinkle for over a week without sun. We have practiced and played soccer in the rain. We have hiked and camped in the rain. We have a choice: either stay inside or embrace it. Some of my...

Isaac has loved being a referee. He gets up in the morning and checks out the referee site. He schedules three games each week at the beginning of the season for Saturdays. First thing Friday morning he looks to see if there are any more open games so that he can add them to his Saturday schedule. On Saturdays John drops Isaac off at...

I've been taking photos for Job. This is my little studio. Je pris des photos pour Job. C'est ma petite studio. ...

The smell of Cinnamon, Allspice, Cloves and Strawberries permeate the air in my house. The red, green and yellow leaves litter the sidewalk outside. In the morning the fog wraps itself around the houses. These are the little things that signal a change of seasons at our house. I feel compelled to make jam. I have a freezer full of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries. ...

Our music education has changed just a little bit this year. Job has taken up the guitar thanks to a friend of the kids who loaned Job his old guitar. Job loves it. When the weather is nice he sits outside and practices. He'll practice on Saturday and Sundays. He's excited to finish his first guitar book. He built a pick holder out...