My Friend Knits

By Leslie Parks - Friday, October 28, 2011

I am a non-knitter.  I've tried really.  I knitted a baby sweater but brought it to my friend and said help me.  I can't see dropped stitches or read patterns, put in button holes or knit pieces together.  I've knitted a scarf but it isn't the prettiest.  I can cast on but can't really remember to cast off and forget about counting.  I am not a knitter.  My friend however is a knitter.  She is very good at it.  The stuff she makes is adorable.  The baby hats and sweaters she makes should be sold at a high end specialty shops.  If that isn't all, she makes these mittens that have very intricate patterns.  They are traditional Scandinavian mittens with the pointed ends.  The yarn she works with is delicate and so very soft.  Still that isn't all, she makes these bags that are beautiful.  What she does with two sticks and a ball of yarn is called art.  It isn't done overnight, it takes a lot of time and patience to create this.  She follows a blog of another knitter.  Last night four of us took a little road trip to see the Yarn Harlot as she is called for a book reading.  I am not a knitter.  But I went with my friends and had an absolutely wonderful time.  I may have been the only non-knitter in the room besides the token husband trying to get out of the doghouse.  We sat down and everyone pulled out their knitting.  I pulled out sudoku. I can play and listen at the same time.  She read excerpts out of her book and they were funny.  It's a collection of short stories that are hilarious that happen to revolve around knitting.  It almost but not quite made me want to try knitting again.  I quickly came to my senses. There is just no way I could do it.  My friend however I find amazing.

J'ai une amie qui tricoter.  J'ai essayer de tricoter mais je suis terrible.  C'est vrai.  Je tricots un pullover pour un bebe mais il faut que je demande pour aider.  Je peut pas lire les directions ou fais des trou pour les boutons.  Je ne peut pas counter.  Je fais un foulard but ce n'est pas joli.  Mon amie est magnifiuqe.  Les choses elle fait sont comme d'art.  Les pullover pour des bebe, les chapeau sont minons. Les sacs sont joli.  Elle fais des mitainessont incroyable.  Elle a beaucoup de patience.  Heir, je vais avec mes amies pur un petit tour de voir une femme qui ecrit des histoires de tricoter.  Elle est comique.  Quand nous arrivons, tous les femmes a la place prendre leur tricoter avec leurs.  Moi, je ne tricote pas.  Je peut jouer sudoku et ecouter a la meme temp.  Pour une moments je voudrais apprendre de tricoter mais vitement je realizer que c'est pas mois, je n'avais pas le patience pour ca.  Mon amie faisiat un art.

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