
Happy Birthday John

By Leslie Parks - Wednesday, October 19, 2011

This year we have celebrated more of his birthday's together than apart.  I wish I could say that we are having a party and I'm pampering him but alas that is not the case due to activities.  Last night I made him a BLT sand which and blackberry pie for dinner.  He had soccer practice so usually doesn't eat much those nights.  I had a little time before practice and thought I'd get a great photo of him and write something mushy but the guy is extremely uncomfortable having his picture taken.  So instead I photographed him doing what he does every night when he comes home.  He wanders around the backyard looking at his plants.  He starts at the blueberry bushes, working his way around clockwise.  He mentally takes note of new growth, looks at the leaves and for fruit.  If there is a plant bearing fruit he grazes a little.  I don't think a raspberry has made into the house.  The dog wanders with him and they snack together on what they find.  Even in the winter he does this.  It has become a ritual and I think a time to relax.
Aujourd'hui c'est l'anniversaire de John.  Je celebre plus d'anniversaire avec lui que sans lui.  Normalement, je cui son dinner favorite mais nous avons trop d'activite ce soir.  Alors heir soir, nous avons celebre. Avant le practique de football, nous avons un peu de temp et je voudrais prendre des photos.  Il n'est pas comfortable avec des photos alors je les pris pendent il fait un tour du jardin.  Chaque nuit quand il rentre a la maison, il fait un petit tour.  Il voit tous des arbres et voit les grandiss.  S'il y a des fruit, il les manges et donne un peu au chien.  Je lui fais un tarte pour son anniversaire.

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