
By Leslie Parks - Monday, October 31, 2011

As I look back at the month, I realized that I've taken a lot of food photos.  John and my friend both purchased food photography books for me.  Each book speaks a lot about light and so did my last photography instructor, Wendy Schultz.  Before really studying photography and the role of light, I'd just pick up my camera and snap a photo.  Sure that work but here is an example of using light.  Each one of these photos are taken of the same thing but they use light different.  I took these from different points of view and having the light hit the subject differently. It is amazing to see.

front lighting
Lumiere devant
Side lighting
lumiere a cote

back lighting
Lumiere derriere
Quand je voir mes photos que j'ai pris en Octobre, je realize qu'ils sont beaucoups des photos de nurritures. John et mon amies m'achete des livres de photographie de nourriture. Chaque livres donne des informations de lumiere et photographie.  Mon enseignor de photographie (Wendy Schultz) parle de lumiere aussi.  Avant d'etudie photographie et l'importance de lumiere, je juste pris un photo sans penser.  Oui, ca marche mais ces sonts des photos de le meme chose mais utilizer le lumiere different.
backside lighting
Lumiere derriere et a cote
back side lighting from other side
Lumiere derriere et a cote

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