
Christmas Season

By Leslie Parks - Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Christmas is upon us and I want to enjoy it, embrace the magic it holds, keep it in focus, share the excitement of it and generally have good cheer.  Last Christmas at the end I just couldn't keep it together.  I was overwhelmed.  This year not so much.  I'm taking it back and enjoying it.  I'm taking things off my calendar and not doing everything.  We are keeping a count down on our chalkboard, mailing our Christmas postcards that just arrived from gotprint.com.  Lona baked Christmas cookies that are almost gone.  No worries, I made up a bunch of dough and put that in the freezer so all we have to do is bake.  I'm also taking a little time to scrapbook and relax.  The biggest thing is when to grocery shop and get the last bit of presents that I need to purchase. 

Update on Job's figure skating, he passed his basic 4 class and has been promoted to basic 5.  He had a test, which neither one of us knew about and then a little performance which shocked us both.  He had to skate forward on inside and outside edge on a circle, forward crossovers, clockwise or counterclockwise, forward outside three turn from standstill position, backward 1/2 swizzle pumps on a circle, backward stroking, backward snowplow stop, right and left.  I have no idea what all that means but after 6 weeks in a 12 week session he passed.  Next season he needs to be able to do a one foot spin up to three revolutions.  That sounds like it might be hard.  It doesn't start until after Christmas so I have a little bit of a break which will help me from feeling overwhelmed.

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